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Favorite Medical Links

How does a normal woman like me start writing this stuff?


Am I a doctor? A nurse? A paramedic?

No, no, no. Do I have any medical training whatsoever? Nope, none. I'm just one of those fans of The X-Files who loves it when Mulder gets hurt--be it physically or psychologically. And the show does a woefully bad job of giving us torture-lovers what we really want sometimes. In fact, it was this frustration that led me to discover the fabulous MulderTorture Anonymous web site (www.muldertorture.com), where I discovered a whole slew of people just like me. I'd come home.

It's a Sickness, but a Harmless and Fun One!!

I read and read and read. Vickie Moseley, Susan Proto, Ten, Amperage and Livengoo (What? You haven't read "Oklahoma?" Do it now!), etc. etc. etc. And the next thing you know, I was musing about applying an injury that I'd experienced (a dislocated shoulder) to Mulder. I started writing it. And then I decided what the heck--I sent it to Shirley, MTA's fab webmistress. It got posted.



And then I discovered something *else* wonderful. FEEDBACK!



The first was Vickie, the Queen Mum, High Voodoo Priestess of MulderTorture. She complimented; she encouraged; she goaded; she cajoled; she harrassed. She may even have threatened me to write something else--I don't remember any more. But she was relentless, and she finally beat me into submission. I was off. Mulder needed surgery on that shoulder.

I'd had surgery on my shoulder, but many years ago. So I went web surfing to try and refresh my memory, and to my great amazement and surprise (well, maybe not so surprising--I did love to watch ER), I discovered that I absolutely loved reading these medical web sites! Healthanswers, Medscape, emedicine, Dr.Koop and many more became my friends. There, before my eyes, was a seemingly endless supply of ailments to apply to poor Mulder! I now have more medical sites bookmarked than X-Files sites--but it's all for research!

I've found my niche in this wacky world of Torture Fic

I've also found new friends (you know who you are!). I have people calling themselves my *fans*--very heady stuff! There's nothing like Mulder in moments of extreme stress, and there's no stress like dealing with injury or illness--your own or someone else's. So now I hurt Mulder on a regular basis, and I make him better. I write doctors and nurses, all lucky enough to spend a little time in Mulder's world. I write Scully concerned, or annoyed, or not-so-concerned, whatever the situation calls for. (I *don't* write Mulder/Scully romance, and I don't plan to.) And for good measure I write a little angst as well (Scully gets hurt and sick, too, you know--and Mulder doesn't like that).

It's all for the sake of my--and your--enjoyment.

Hope you have fun.

Start Reading!